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Posted on August 12, 2015 by Scott
Saturday Satire: Men are Better than Women«
… a photo I received in an email purportedly from ‘Olga’ in Russia. The email said that she had corresponded with me in the past and now she wanted to re-connect…
In a recent comment, Mario from Brazil asked how to do a Google photo search. And this lead me to wonder, how many of you know how to check the validity of an email or how to see if photos that a Woman is sending you are hers personally or something taken from a swimsuit catalog?
I thought I’d share a few pointers that I developed while cyber-dating before I met my Wife.
Before I even get started, lets review some basic RULES about dating overseas Women (how to spot a fake will appear later in the article, these 5 are just “basic” rules if you decide to start this journey):
1. Only deal with a reputable agency. Any agency that will not allow you to talk directly with the Woman you are cyber-dating is a FRAUD. Do not send letters to be “translated.” Your letter is going to some fat man in Siberia. If you can’t get the Woman’s email address, phone #, Skype contact, etc., RUN, don’t walk, its a scam agency.
2. Even if you are talking to a Woman from a legitimate agency, there is a possibility that the Woman you are talking to is a scammer. Try to verify her location and online personality. I will detail how to do this later in this article.
3. NEVER NEVER NEVER send money to a Woman you haven’t met or that you don’t trust (intimately). Russian and Ukrainian Women are proud. They don’t want your money. They won’t ask you for money. Any Woman that asks you for money or asks you to send money is a scammer. RUN, don’t walk away. This can include requests to pay bills, to send money for airline tickets etc. If you are dating an Eastern European (EE) Woman and you want to meet her in a 3rd city (say Prague), buy the airline ticket and have it issued in her name. A scammer doesn’t want an airline ticket, they want your money. If you buy the ticket yourself, she’ll either come or she won’t. If she doesn’t, shes a scammer.
4. Think with the big head, not the little one. I say this and still have have (regular) readers here emailing me telling me they got burned. Let me say this more bluntly. Think with your brain and not your penis. If the Woman can’t keep her hands off of you and likes to kiss you and hold your hands, that’s a good sign. If she always keeps a one meter distance between you and her, this is a good sign that she’s a scammer. Occasionally, step back from your communications with her and look at them, as if you were a third party person and ask yourself, does this pass the stink test? Have a trusted best friend or a brother look at a few emails or meet your Woman on a Skype call (“just to introduce my brother”) and ask them, “Do you believe that she is interested in me or do you think she is a scammer?”
When Alana came to meet my family, no one, not ever, not one time, believed that she was anything but the real deal. When a couple is in love, it is obvious to everyone. When a Man is in love and the woman only loves his credit card, it is OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE. Except the guy with the credit card.
If you have been dating a Russian Woman for 18 months (true story that was recently emailed to me) and you haven’t had sex with her, she’s probably a scammer. Europe is not puritanical America, Women do in fact have sex with their boyfriends. If you’re paying her bills, sending her money and she’s not having sex with you, its because she’s sleeping with her Russian Husband or Boyfriend. Don’t be this guy.
So, once you are emailing with a Woman. You need to look the totality of the information she is sending you and see if EVERYTHING passes the stink test.
5. Set up a new and separate email address to meet overseas Women. You won’t know – at first – who’s a scammer and who’s not. The scammers, after you refuse to continue to talk to them will sell your email address to every Viagra & Nigerian Prince email scam list imagineable. If you don’t want your inbox flooded with Spam, set up an alias email address. For the purposes of writing this article, I went to my old alias email box (I haven’t accessed it in years), searched the spam box and in no time, I found an (unsolicited) email from “Olga” in Russia.
So, lets get started.
Here is my email from “Olga:”
Now, many Men will sign up to an online agency or dating service and some months later will get a letter like this. If you’ve emailed or sent messages to 50 or 100 Women, how can you remember if this is one of the Women that you previously tried to contact? Best to check all points for validity. What if you’ve initiated contact with a lovely Woman on a dating agency website, should you still check these rules? Absolutely. Heck, if you’re dating a woman in Kentucky, you should check her emails against this list.
Step 1: Copy and past the content of her email into a Google search and see if there are any hits. Scammers have a library of scam letters and will use them over and over to lure unsuspecting Men into their nets.
WWS recommended site: Russian Cupid
In this case, you can see that the text of this letter has been used many times and reported in various websites that track scammers. This is often one of the easiest ways to spot a scammer. If you find ANY part of the text from your Eastern European Woman is in a Google search, DUMP HER LIKE A ROTTEN POTATO!
Step 2: Expand the email headers and check the email name.
In the above photo, you’ll see the link “Full headers.” I’m showing the example here on a Yahoo account, on Gmail, you’ll see a little arrow next to the “reply” button. Click on it and look for “show original.” This will open the email in plain text showing the full headers.
What you are looking for is the origin of the email. The first thing to look for is what email address it came from. If it doesn’t match the title of the sender, it’s probably a scammer (as you can see in the example below).
Step 3: Examine the IP adddress
In the expanded headers view, look for the originating IP address.
Once you find it, go to Google and search for “IP address lookup.”
Select one of the many websites that search out IP addresses and enter the IP address of the Woman’s email into the search box and perform a search.
Scroll down and see WHERE the email came from. In the case of Olga, it should be from Russia, yeah?
Hmmm…. how many Olga’s from Russia are emailing from Taiwan this week?
If the Woman’s IP address is from another country, she is most likely a scammer. If her email address is from the other side of her country, there is a good chance she’s a scammer. A lot of the scam emails out of Russia come from Tartastan. If you’re emailing a Woman in Moscow and her IP address is in Kazan, there is a good chance she (or he) is a scammer.
Step 4: Google photo search the Woman’s photo(s) that she emailed to you.
Open Google images and then drag and drop her photo(s) to the “Drop image here” area on the screen.
Examine the results. In the case of our Olga, you can see that this photo has been used in various scams.
Step 5: Do a Google search for the Woman’s full name. Also, do a Facebook search and also a VK search. If you can find that she has a legitimate profile, this is good evidence that she is real. If she fails the above tests, know that she is most likely a scammer.
Disclaimer: It is possible that your Woman’s profile was hijacked and she now appears as a scammer. In this case, you would find that ONLY her photos would come back with a Google hit. The content of her emails should not return Google hits and her IP address should match the region where she says that she is writing from.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. You should be able to recognize (if you’re utilizing common sense and not following your penis) if the letters from a Russian/Ukrainian Woman are genuine or if they are designed to separate you from your money. For example, any talk of love before you’ve met is a dead giveaway. But, that is for another article. This post is solely to help you spot the technical fakes that you are likely to encounter in your search.
Don’t think for a minute that I didn’t “cyber-stalk” Alana before I met her. Her IP address checked out and her IP name matched what was presented in her emails. Her photo(s) did not return hits and when I Googled her name, I found public articles for interviews that she had done in her business. These articles matched stories she had told me about her work. On Facebook, I found her company Facebook page and sure enough, I saw her listed in the company directory.
Remember, use common sense and try to keep your emotions out of it. When you are starting a new romance (or what you think is a new romance), it is hard to separate emotions from logic. So long as you never send money, the worst that will get damaged is your ego and not your wallet.
Good luck on your search!
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6 thoughts on “4 practical ways to spot a scammer”
Bryan on August 12, 2015 at 5:25 pm said:
Guys wake up… Skype is a wonderful thing. Big head, not the little one.
Elenasmodels – for the win.
Stop paying for this crap and find a real woman. Met my girl here and it is a wonderful thing. Just got off a 4 hour Skype with her and we are already getting ready for me to arrive for another visit in September.
Wake up guys and be smart.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:58 pm said:
Seriously, I can’t see why you would spend a few thousand for a tour (most if not all of which are bogus anyways) and wouldn’t get a membership. Sad thing is that most men, 19 out of 20 who “meet” a Woman in EE online still don’t go out to visit.
I guess its the same reason why 95% of all lotto winners are bankrupt after 5 years.
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Dale on August 12, 2015 at 5:52 pm said:
Another technique that I used and which also weeded out the bona-fide women who were flakes was to keep things low key and noncommittal for 5 or 6 months. Only a woman who is both bona-fide and has her act together will stay interested this long.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:51 am said:
On the other hand , women , who are seeking for a lifetime partner , to build a family , may be inclined to believe , that you don`t know , what you want.And , that maybe , you are a player.
That is , when you are only writing mails or letters , and nothing else.
Someone , who is going over to meet her , in these periods , may well take her mind off , of you.And , she may feel , that he is more direct , and knows , what he wants.
Just something , to think about.Especially , when you believe , that SHE is , THAT woman for you.
Don`t let another man , run off , with her !!!
Understand , when she says , that she wants a real man
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Steve R on August 13, 2015 at 6:42 pm said:
One of the things I looked for in the full header is anything mentioning “The Bat”, which is a email tool used by those issuing mass quantities of emails.
Ignore the “bats”.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:56 pm said:
I’d read something about that years ago – another good thing to look for, thanks.
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Seeker on April 9, 2015 at 10:54 pm said:
Another example of differences between western and non-western women is in the world of competitive sports. These are generalizations of course but you do notice a pattern in international female athletics.
-American Tennis Players vs. Russian Tennis Players
-American Beach Volleyball Players vs. Brazilian Beach Volleyball Players
-American Rhythmic Gymnasts (guys stopping laughing…most American women are way to big for this sport) vs. Ukrainian Rhythmic Gymnasts.
…and so on you get the point…we could talk about female ballet dancers but why repeat ourselves?
I also wonder which groups of these strong women are more likely to dress, act, and think like women when not competing in athletics?
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on April 9, 2015 at 11:08 pm said:
I have to admit it…those Russian and Eastern European rhythmic gymnast are very easy on the eyes.
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Rodney on April 10, 2015 at 6:21 am said:
“Victoria’s Secret is widely recognized for their Angels, which appear in almost every ad
campaign. Credited with launching the careers of the world’s most sought after supermodels,
these ‘bombshells’ help target women ages 15 to 60. After interviewing a former employee of
Victoria’s Secret, some unanswered questions were revealed. Kish explained that the ideal body
type of a Victoria’s Secret model is a size 2, with bra size of about a 34C. Working in one of
their many NYC locations, Kish noted that the Victoria’s Secret store on Lexington attracted
white women around the age of 35. When asked about their interracial clientele, Kish responded,
“Although Victoria’s Secret thinks they are interracial, their designs are only made for white
women. Black women tend to need more support . . . most international customers were Russian
or Brazilian because they tend to fit the Victoria’s Secret body type, tall with boobs”(Kish).”
Kish, Jennifer L. Personal interview. 25 July 2010.
Hey amigos. Was doing some marketing research when I came across this research piece and knew I had to share with you all. I am also going to post a youtube video of a Victoria Secret clip. My observations when watching this:
1. VS is an American company but notice how high the percentage of foreign models are employed.
2. Note in the clip that not one model bears the tatoos that have overtaken the arms, backs and legs of US women.
3. Their two top veteran models, Alessandra and Adriana, have both given birth to two children.
NOTE: I am not making any weight, dress size comparisons to western women. Why? “Sometimes words can be hopelessly inadequate.”
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on April 10, 2015 at 12:09 pm said:
What a coincidence: Alana just wrote a post about Victoria’s Secret. I have to set her up a login so she can post it.
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on April 10, 2015 at 11:57 pm said:
I can’t wait to read it!
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on April 10, 2015 at 11:42 pm said:
“Although Victoria’s Secret thinks they are interracial, their designs are only made for white
women. Black women tend to need more support . . . most international customers were Russian
or Brazilian because they tend to fit the Victoria’s Secret body type, tall with boobs”(Kish).”
I think weight (obesity) has a lot to do with this. 40%of Brazilians could be considered mixed but obesity is not common. American women that are in the same ethnic/racial demographic group are usually obese. Contrast that group with mixed/black Cubans, Dominican, or Colombians, etc. again obesity is not common. Similar genes but totally different culture and attitude towards men.
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on April 11, 2015 at 2:25 pm said:
I saw someone trying to claim that African Americans have a genetically higher propensity for heart disease. Oh really? Why is it that blacks (and whites) from southern states are twice the size as those from the Pacific Northwest? And the matching heart disease to go with it.
Denial ain’t only the longest river in Africa and many many many Americans are in denial when it comes to weight and body shape.
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on April 11, 2015 at 4:25 pm said:
Louisiana vs. France for example; in some parishes, towns, regions — in both countries — most of the people have the same genes but they don’t look the same! One group is supersized and the other is accused of being borderline anorexic.
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on April 11, 2015 at 11:15 pm said:
How true is that. By the way, compare an average Southern African American to an African – huge weight difference. Same with a German girl from Oklahoma – much bigger than her counterpart in Berlin… its all about the calories and the lack of movement.
on April 12, 2015 at 12:14 am said:
Some more nature or nurture examples…
Pennsylvania or Ukraine
Illinois or Poland
New Jersey or Cuba
Michigan or Finland
…similar genes but light years apart in appearance and attitude towards men.
So when women in the US say their grandparents are from blah blah blah it still doesn’t change the fact they were still raised to be feminist in America. The culture a girl was raised in has more of an impact than their genes. I once worked with a young American woman — early 20s of British, Scandinavian, Italian descent — after graduating from college that just seemed kind of odd — no feminist vibe, could dress well, and had a very nice body — compared to other American women the same age. I found out a couple weeks later after initially meeting her that she grew up — 100 percent immersion from toddler to late teens — in South America and went to the same private schools as the natives. American parents but she didn’t act like the typical American girl.
on April 12, 2015 at 11:05 pm said:
184 pounds vs. 124 pounds
How true is that. By the way, compare an average Southern African American to an African – huge weight difference. Same with a German girl from Oklahoma – much bigger than her counterpart in Berlin… its all about the calories and the lack of movement.
“The average weight of (the black) women in the Chicago group was 184 pounds and women in the Nigeria group weighed 124 pounds on average.”
“The Nigerian women typically followed a diet rich in fiber and carbohydrates; the Chicago (black) women, however, had diets that were high in fat and processed foods, ”
on April 13, 2015 at 1:47 am said:
Anyone who’s traveled overseas knows what they’ve seen with their own eyes.
Seeker on April 10, 2015 at 11:22 pm said:
Happy Easter Scott & Rodney!
Hopefully all is well in both of your houses!
VS body types are my ideal…as you noticed my comment above about rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas. It’s hilarious how people –feminist men and women– in the west expect you to apologize for wanting this type…somehow there is something wrong with you for desiring young healthy Russian, Brazilian, Ukrainian, or Argentine women that are fertile?
I don’t feel guilty for having this desire and never will.
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Rodney on April 11, 2015 at 1:54 am said:
Thank you Seeker!! Appreciate your always wise comments and good wishes. We had a picture perfect Easter day last week, in the tulips of Holland. And tomorrow, since the weather is improving here, my wife wants us to take a stroll through the woods and have an Easter picnic. Happy Easter to you Scott, Alana and baby.
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on April 11, 2015 at 2:28 pm said:
Thanks. It is amazing to me how at 3 months my Wife didn’t look pregnant at all. Russian standard for pregnancy is to gain NO MORE THAN 22 pounds. Most American women are already 22 pounds overweight.
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on April 12, 2015 at 9:47 pm said:
I fear that number has probably jumped to 35 pounds for most American women on the coasts. The deep south and Midwest is probably 100 pounds.
Oh but she’s tall and lifts weights…Oh really? There’s no reason for a woman to weigh over 160 pounds.
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William Cavers on April 12, 2015 at 11:10 am said:
Hi Scott,
Did you get my e-mails?
William Cavers
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on April 12, 2015 at 11:31 am said:
Yes! Unfortunately, I get a LOT of emails and while I try to answer them all, I don’t always have enough time. I recommend that questions be posted to the Forum – in this way, everyone can read the replies and benefit from them.
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William Cavers on April 12, 2015 at 9:07 pm said:
Hi Scott,
No problem.
I was only mostly asking because you said that you would respond to my first series about my questions for my class trip in an upcoming post in the next few days.
William Cavers
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William Cavers on April 15, 2015 at 10:59 am said:
Hi Scott did you see my post on Best time to visit in the Western Women Suck Forums?
Get back to me when you have a chance
William Cavers
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William Cavers on April 16, 2015 at 11:47 am said:
Hi Scott,
I have met two foreign women who were from Columbia and from Russia. They were both very friendly. I also have had a Russian woman as teacher and she was cute for a woman in her 40’s. I have noticed that two Russian women that I have met were very reserved, but once I got to know them they were very sweet and friendly and had great sense of humour. The Columbian girl I met was much more outgoing and warm right from the start. I guess this has to do with cultural differences.
I am going on a trip to Russia with classmates for a class trip to St. Petersburg in two years and I was wondering what the nightclubs were like. I here that unlike the guys in South America, the Russian/ Eastern European guys do not like or really know how to dance and me and my buddies do. How will the girls in Russia treat me and the other guys?
Also I heard on single travel dude (a website linked to this one that there are alot of milfs and cougars in Russia). Is this true?
I have heard that even thought this is a male-dominated workplace and the women can take a compliament, there are some female bosses. My question is are they hot?
Finally is there any beaches near St. Petersburg to meet girls?
Any questions or comments from Scott or anyone else would be much thanked
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:35 pm said:
Nightclubs in Russia/Ukraine are on par with the best in LA, Vegas and New York. It is more like a Victoria’s Secret show than a night club. Its not cheap though.
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:35 pm said:
As for beaches in St. Petersburg, its not like Florida, think more like Anchorage, Alaska.
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.” She recommends that the best place to meet girls “spontaneously,” you should go to “Nevsky Prospect.” It is the walking street in St. Pete’s. She says in the evening you’ll see many beautiful Women there that you can talk to, chat up a conversation and maybe have a cup of coffee.
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William Cavers
on April 17, 2015 at 12:05 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
Maybe I got the wrong impression, but I always thought that a nightclub was place where you can dance with girls and have a fun time. Does this mean that the girls at clubs just want to dance and have a fun time there by themselves? I thought there were nice girls. This sounds like snobby girls that reject guys in American/ Western nightclubs!
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on April 17, 2015 at 8:40 am said:
They are right about Russia, it is like that but it’s not cheap. The good news is that all of Eastern Europe is basically a smorgasbord of super hot chicks and much of Eastern Europe is very cheap. Check out the Balkans for example. Look at the map at the bottom of this post:
All the brightly colored countries are part of the “hot chick zone”.
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on April 17, 2015 at 2:02 pm said:
This isn’t my blog and in no way do I have any say about anything here. Freedom of speech for sure. However, I am getting a bit dismayed here that some of the very recent contributors sound more like single guys in search of a “good time.” Personally, that’s why I am not here. I want to help guys who are in search of a wife, and perhaps are heading down the wrong paths, such as the ones I am starting to read about (bars, singledude sites). If it continues down this path, I’ll probably drop out. Like I said, Freedom of Speech and Choice, so I’ll be making my own free choice. I think I have already posted enough anyway.
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William Cavers
on April 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
Maybe I got the wrong impression, but I always thought that a nightclub was place where you can dance with girls and have a fun time. Does this mean that the girls at clubs just want to dance and have a fun time there by themselves? I thought they were nice girls. This sounds like snobby girls that reject guys in American/ Western nightclubs!
I do not know your age, but you seem like a nice guy.
You are right about guys jsut wanting to have a good time, but thing is me and friends are young guys and we want to meet girls and dance.
I mean read Alana’s commentAlana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
If they are going to dance are just going to dance by themselves.
I just want to know if there is any place for guys to dance with girls.
I have guys I know that have gone Columbia and danced with the girls in clubs down.
I have no problem meeting girls on the street, or in library because I am college and love to read and I love to go for walk.
I am Christian so I could go to a church and meeting girls there.
The thing is do not tell you have never been to a disco or place where guys and girls danced. This stuff has been common since before World War II. Dancing has been around for generations.
I do not want to be a jerk, but do think dancing is wrong or sinful. If you do that that is your choice, but I think that is a little bit extreme.
Thanks and take care,
William Cavers
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on April 17, 2015 at 7:17 pm said:
Rodney, I appreciate your comment. Let me respond.
I only recently discovered the Single Dude Travel website. And while I don’t go for everything that they post, they have – in my opinion – some good travel advice and a view of life that is outside of the typical American:
Go to college, get job, marry feminist woman, have a few kids, she gets fat, you get no sex, she leaves you for the bass quitar player of some front band, you raise the kids alone,” routine.
I often read sites that I do and don’t agree with, I look at different info and I try to find the truth in there somewhere.
The reason that I linked to that site (and I’m sure that its the reason they linked to WWS) is that we have some overlap in readership. More on that in a minute.
Lets draw a parallel here for a minute:
I’m a big traveler. I enjoy the “do it yourself” backpack adventures and I also love a good 4 or 5 star tour (think Princess Cruises or an Ambercrombie and Fitch tour). On either ‘vacation’ you’re sure to find a different kind of traveler. In the former, you might find a more “dropped out of society” kind of person, maybe someone who is counter-culture, tree hugger, pot smoker, never owned a home and thinks of work as a means to an end rather than their life. Take the 5 star tour traveler, this might be a doctor or lawyer or maybe a real estate developer. This person lives to work and likes to maximize their vacation time because they only get a few short weeks every year. Their priority is as much bang for the buck in as short an amount of time as possible. The pot-smoking surfer drop out is more interested in taking as much time as possible while on vacation. They’re willing to live in sub-standard housing so that they can remain on holiday for months at a time.
I’ve traveled with both types. They are as different as night and day.
And, if you look at surfer dude’s travel website, might you find a link to a website of a 5 star tour hosted by someone he met while on vacation? Sure. Because, maybe some of his readers occasionally want to splurge and have a “champagne and caviar” vacation. And would someone who reads the Abercrombie website want to know about a backpacker website? Sure, maybe they want to get away from the geriatric-laden tour bus and do some real “off the beaten path” trekking.
And so, the two cultures will cross over from time to time.
Now, lets look at the readership of SDT and WWs. The name “Single Dude” says a lot and it says that this site is geared towards single Men whereas my blog is all about finding a foreign bride. But, does this mean that there isn’t any overlap in readership? Lets take the case of Karl (name changed) who reads this blog. He is 52, 3 kids, all out of the house. He came home to find a note that his Wife is “done” being a housewife and wants a divorce to “go find herself.” He was depressed at first then came to realize that he’s not dead. He could still find another shot at love. He decided to log in to some Eastern European dating agency websites but despite talking to some lovely ladies, he realizes that he still has feelings for his X wife. Even though he knows it won’t work out, he knows that he’s not ready to move on. He has decided to take a sabbatical, travel to Eastern Europe and “get over” the X while growing his confidence and learn a little about himself. Maybe some stories in SDT are exactly what he needs.
And lets say that there is a single dude who normally reads SDT and he’s been around the world a few times and he’s had a great time but he’s getting a little burned out on the party lifestyle. He has come to the conclusion that he wants to find the woman of his dreams and to settle down and have a family. He clicks the link to this website and finds what he’s looking for.
So, don’t worry if there are others, looking for things other than you. Know that the majority of the readers here (at least those who come back), are looking for what I (and others) have found: a traditional Woman who you can share a life with.
Thanks for visiting. Hope to have you back often and soon.
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on April 18, 2015 at 9:43 pm said:
Your contributions here will always be appreciated by most of the regular readers of this blog.
I desire a great wife and healthy children…so I already know what my endgame is…a happy family. It’s just that her maiden name will end with something like an “oza” or “ova” and she was raised to be a real woman.
I wouldn’t worry too much…that PUA crap only works in the femi-nazi west.
My search for my future bride is still in progress.
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on April 20, 2015 at 9:50 pm said:
This is a good vid.
on May 7, 2015 at 4:04 am said:
Hi Seeker ,
A reaction on this guys video , from me.I never knew , who he was , or what he did , until yesterday night , when I stumbled on more info , from him.
I`m not sure , if you has seen that also.Furthermore , he wrote a book , about , how to “bang” women , in Ukraine!!!
I believe , that it is , in that respect , that he made the video , of his embarrassing failed tries.
For this book, and other reasons , he was on Ukraine tv show.He even did require , the help of a local guy.
To whom , he apparently lied , about his real intentions.
I`m not sure , if you have seen this tv show.Also , in the show , is appearing , the tv journalist , who was disturbed , by some Dutch fans , of the Dutch football team , in Kharkov , in 2012 , when we had the European Football Championship.
Not sure , if this footage , was also shown , on American tv.
Furthermore , there was a commercial , on Dutch tv , that warned , Dutch women , to NOT let their men go , to Ukraine , because , there are soooooooooo many beautiful ladies there.
A short part from that ad , is also in the vid.
So , all in all , it gave me an other impression, of this guy.Not sure , what to think of him!
For those , who didn`t see the tv show , I add the link here.
on May 8, 2015 at 10:49 pm said:
I have to agree Paul,
Saw the vid. Even though I don’t like a lot of his antics and actions, he does bring up some very valid points. It is interesting that he had adapt to the environment in Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe because the women there are different. In general, a man has to date them and treat them like ladies before they will even consider any type of sexual advancement. In my opinion these type of women are gems and would make great wives and mothers.
As for me, Latina or Slavic? I don’t know but what I do know, I don’t want a western woman for a wife or the mother of my future children.
Rodney on April 16, 2015 at 3:22 pm said:
No visa needed for Ukraine at least for 90 days. This beach in Kiev gets my vote.
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm said:
For Americans. Not necessarily for everyone else though.
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on April 18, 2015 at 11:45 pm said:
Good to know.
Maybe I’ll visit the place when everyone else is watching the Olympics next year.
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William Cavers on April 16, 2015 at 8:25 pm said:
Hi Scott and anyone who wants to try answering my questions,
If you do not have time to answer all of my questions I understand.
The most important question(s) is the question about Russian girls either in nightclubs or on meet beaches or anywhere else and how they might treat me and the rest of the guys in my class if we tried to meet or talk with them and how willing they might be to dance with us in nightclubs.
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William Cavers on April 17, 2015 at 12:09 pm said:
Also there must some nice beaches in Sochi?
William Cavers
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William Cavers on April 18, 2015 at 9:59 am said:
I get that there are better beaches in Kiev Ukriane than in St. Petersburg, Russia.
I also get that Russia/ Ukriane nightclubs are expensive.
I have had friends that have went to places like Columbia where they danced with girls in some clubs.
Is there any cheap places where guys can go to dance with girls?
There must be some dance events put on by churches, or local colleges or universities.
Dancing is a big deal in a place like Columbia and I have heard that if you know salsa that you fill always have a full dance card in Columbia/ South America.
Do Russian girls not like to dance with guys? I would hope that this would not be the case. I always thought that all girls loved to dance
Thanks for your help and advice,
William Cavers
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on April 18, 2015 at 10:46 am said:
In Ukraine, I went to a “Salsa night” at one of the night clubs and the guys who could dance salsa just cleaned up – all of the beautiful Ukrainian Women wanted to dance with them. I cursed myself at that moment for never learning salsa.
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William Cavers on April 18, 2015 at 10:37 pm said:
Thanks for your help Scott!
Unfortunately, I can not dance salsa but there has to be other types of dances that they do.
Maybe traditional Russian or Ukrianian folk dances.
I rememember dancing at a wedding a few years and I danced pretty good.
Whatever work right?
Thanks and take
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on April 18, 2015 at 11:37 pm said:
I hope you like Electronic Dance Music. If you don’t…you better fake it.
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on April 19, 2015 at 10:49 pm said:
Disco everywhere in Russia. You cannot escape it.
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William Cavers on April 18, 2015 at 10:40 pm said:
One more question I just thought of how do you greet Russian girls when meeting them: with a handshake or a kiss cheek (that how its done in Europe right)?
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on April 18, 2015 at 11:53 pm said:
How to Greet in Russia
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on April 19, 2015 at 10:50 pm said:
In my experience, handshake if a stranger. If you’re meeting a second time, a kiss on the check might fly.
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William Cavers on April 20, 2015 at 2:57 pm said:
Hi Scott,
I have two more questions and that is bascially all my questions answered:
I have heard that there is alot of milfs and cougars in Russia/Ukriaine from Single Travel Dude. Is this true?
I have also heard on you website (Western Women Suck) that the workplace is male dominated and the women can take a compliament. However, I know from reading your website that your wife is a female bosses. Are bosses common in Russia/ Ukraine/ Eastern Europe. I have heard that there quite a few female bosses in Belarus. My question is are they hot?
Thanks for your help and maybe I will met you and or your wife Alana on my class trip to Russia.
William Cavers
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on April 20, 2015 at 9:39 pm said:
This is a good article.
Baby-Daddy don’t want me no more
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on April 21, 2015 at 1:26 pm said:
My Wife is quite the aberration for Russia. Being a female business owner makes her quite a bit of a celebrity and she is often asked for media interviews. The most common question is, “Now that you’re married, how long until you quit your job to raise kids?”
Can you imagine a journalist asking a female business owner in America that question? LOL
MILFS and Cougars? What’s the point? There are plenty of those in America.
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on April 22, 2015 at 9:13 pm said:
Go for the gold William not the bronze. You have a great opportunity coming up don’t blow it.
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William Cavers on April 20, 2015 at 4:25 pm said:
oNE MORE question I just thought of:
I should not smile when I first meet a Russian or Ukrainian or Eastern European and wait until to know them before I smile such at the second encounter.
William Cavers
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on April 20, 2015 at 9:21 pm said:
Have you read this article yet?
I love (and hate) dating Russian men
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on April 21, 2015 at 1:28 pm said:
Yes William, you should read that post. And then Read DeAngelo.
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on April 21, 2015 at 1:27 pm said:
You shouldn’t walk around on the street smiling at women; they will think you’re retarded. Literally.
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Seeker on April 9, 2015 at 10:54 pm said:
Another example of differences between western and non-western women is in the world of competitive sports. These are generalizations of course but you do notice a pattern in international female athletics.
-American Tennis Players vs. Russian Tennis Players
-American Beach Volleyball Players vs. Brazilian Beach Volleyball Players
-American Rhythmic Gymnasts (guys stopping laughing…most American women are way to big for this sport) vs. Ukrainian Rhythmic Gymnasts.
…and so on you get the point…we could talk about female ballet dancers but why repeat ourselves?
I also wonder which groups of these strong women are more likely to dress, act, and think like women when not competing in athletics?
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on April 9, 2015 at 11:08 pm said:
I have to admit it…those Russian and Eastern European rhythmic gymnast are very easy on the eyes.
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Rodney on April 10, 2015 at 6:21 am said:
“Victoria’s Secret is widely recognized for their Angels, which appear in almost every ad
campaign. Credited with launching the careers of the world’s most sought after supermodels,
these ‘bombshells’ help target women ages 15 to 60. After interviewing a former employee of
Victoria’s Secret, some unanswered questions were revealed. Kish explained that the ideal body
type of a Victoria’s Secret model is a size 2, with bra size of about a 34C. Working in one of
their many NYC locations, Kish noted that the Victoria’s Secret store on Lexington attracted
white women around the age of 35. When asked about their interracial clientele, Kish responded,
“Although Victoria’s Secret thinks they are interracial, their designs are only made for white
women. Black women tend to need more support . . . most international customers were Russian
or Brazilian because they tend to fit the Victoria’s Secret body type, tall with boobs”(Kish).”
Kish, Jennifer L. Personal interview. 25 July 2010.
Hey amigos. Was doing some marketing research when I came across this research piece and knew I had to share with you all. I am also going to post a youtube video of a Victoria Secret clip. My observations when watching this:
1. VS is an American company but notice how high the percentage of foreign models are employed.
2. Note in the clip that not one model bears the tatoos that have overtaken the arms, backs and legs of US women.
3. Their two top veteran models, Alessandra and Adriana, have both given birth to two children.
NOTE: I am not making any weight, dress size comparisons to western women. Why? “Sometimes words can be hopelessly inadequate.”
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on April 10, 2015 at 12:09 pm said:
What a coincidence: Alana just wrote a post about Victoria’s Secret. I have to set her up a login so she can post it.
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on April 10, 2015 at 11:57 pm said:
I can’t wait to read it!
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on April 10, 2015 at 11:42 pm said:
“Although Victoria’s Secret thinks they are interracial, their designs are only made for white
women. Black women tend to need more support . . . most international customers were Russian
or Brazilian because they tend to fit the Victoria’s Secret body type, tall with boobs”(Kish).”
I think weight (obesity) has a lot to do with this. 40%of Brazilians could be considered mixed but obesity is not common. American women that are in the same ethnic/racial demographic group are usually obese. Contrast that group with mixed/black Cubans, Dominican, or Colombians, etc. again obesity is not common. Similar genes but totally different culture and attitude towards men.
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on April 11, 2015 at 2:25 pm said:
I saw someone trying to claim that African Americans have a genetically higher propensity for heart disease. Oh really? Why is it that blacks (and whites) from southern states are twice the size as those from the Pacific Northwest? And the matching heart disease to go with it.
Denial ain’t only the longest river in Africa and many many many Americans are in denial when it comes to weight and body shape.
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on April 11, 2015 at 4:25 pm said:
Louisiana vs. France for example; in some parishes, towns, regions — in both countries — most of the people have the same genes but they don’t look the same! One group is supersized and the other is accused of being borderline anorexic.
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on April 11, 2015 at 11:15 pm said:
How true is that. By the way, compare an average Southern African American to an African – huge weight difference. Same with a German girl from Oklahoma – much bigger than her counterpart in Berlin… its all about the calories and the lack of movement.
on April 12, 2015 at 12:14 am said:
Some more nature or nurture examples…
Pennsylvania or Ukraine
Illinois or Poland
New Jersey or Cuba
Michigan or Finland
…similar genes but light years apart in appearance and attitude towards men.
So when women in the US say their grandparents are from blah blah blah it still doesn’t change the fact they were still raised to be feminist in America. The culture a girl was raised in has more of an impact than their genes. I once worked with a young American woman — early 20s of British, Scandinavian, Italian descent — after graduating from college that just seemed kind of odd — no feminist vibe, could dress well, and had a very nice body — compared to other American women the same age. I found out a couple weeks later after initially meeting her that she grew up — 100 percent immersion from toddler to late teens — in South America and went to the same private schools as the natives. American parents but she didn’t act like the typical American girl.
on April 12, 2015 at 11:05 pm said:
184 pounds vs. 124 pounds
How true is that. By the way, compare an average Southern African American to an African – huge weight difference. Same with a German girl from Oklahoma – much bigger than her counterpart in Berlin… its all about the calories and the lack of movement.
“The average weight of (the black) women in the Chicago group was 184 pounds and women in the Nigeria group weighed 124 pounds on average.”
“The Nigerian women typically followed a diet rich in fiber and carbohydrates; the Chicago (black) women, however, had diets that were high in fat and processed foods, ”
on April 13, 2015 at 1:47 am said:
Anyone who’s traveled overseas knows what they’ve seen with their own eyes.
Seeker on April 10, 2015 at 11:22 pm said:
Happy Easter Scott & Rodney!
Hopefully all is well in both of your houses!
VS body types are my ideal…as you noticed my comment above about rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas. It’s hilarious how people –feminist men and women– in the west expect you to apologize for wanting this type…somehow there is something wrong with you for desiring young healthy Russian, Brazilian, Ukrainian, or Argentine women that are fertile?
I don’t feel guilty for having this desire and never will.
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Rodney on April 11, 2015 at 1:54 am said:
Thank you Seeker!! Appreciate your always wise comments and good wishes. We had a picture perfect Easter day last week, in the tulips of Holland. And tomorrow, since the weather is improving here, my wife wants us to take a stroll through the woods and have an Easter picnic. Happy Easter to you Scott, Alana and baby.
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on April 11, 2015 at 2:28 pm said:
Thanks. It is amazing to me how at 3 months my Wife didn’t look pregnant at all. Russian standard for pregnancy is to gain NO MORE THAN 22 pounds. Most American women are already 22 pounds overweight.
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on April 12, 2015 at 9:47 pm said:
I fear that number has probably jumped to 35 pounds for most American women on the coasts. The deep south and Midwest is probably 100 pounds.
Oh but she’s tall and lifts weights…Oh really? There’s no reason for a woman to weigh over 160 pounds.
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William Cavers on April 12, 2015 at 11:10 am said:
Hi Scott,
Did you get my e-mails?
William Cavers
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on April 12, 2015 at 11:31 am said:
Yes! Unfortunately, I get a LOT of emails and while I try to answer them all, I don’t always have enough time. I recommend that questions be posted to the Forum – in this way, everyone can read the replies and benefit from them.
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William Cavers on April 12, 2015 at 9:07 pm said:
Hi Scott,
No problem.
I was only mostly asking because you said that you would respond to my first series about my questions for my class trip in an upcoming post in the next few days.
William Cavers
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William Cavers on April 15, 2015 at 10:59 am said:
Hi Scott did you see my post on Best time to visit in the Western Women Suck Forums?
Get back to me when you have a chance
William Cavers
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William Cavers on April 16, 2015 at 11:47 am said:
Hi Scott,
I have met two foreign women who were from Columbia and from Russia. They were both very friendly. I also have had a Russian woman as teacher and she was cute for a woman in her 40’s. I have noticed that two Russian women that I have met were very reserved, but once I got to know them they were very sweet and friendly and had great sense of humour. The Columbian girl I met was much more outgoing and warm right from the start. I guess this has to do with cultural differences.
I am going on a trip to Russia with classmates for a class trip to St. Petersburg in two years and I was wondering what the nightclubs were like. I here that unlike the guys in South America, the Russian/ Eastern European guys do not like or really know how to dance and me and my buddies do. How will the girls in Russia treat me and the other guys?
Also I heard on single travel dude (a website linked to this one that there are alot of milfs and cougars in Russia). Is this true?
I have heard that even thought this is a male-dominated workplace and the women can take a compliament, there are some female bosses. My question is are they hot?
Finally is there any beaches near St. Petersburg to meet girls?
Any questions or comments from Scott or anyone else would be much thanked
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:35 pm said:
Nightclubs in Russia/Ukraine are on par with the best in LA, Vegas and New York. It is more like a Victoria’s Secret show than a night club. Its not cheap though.
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:35 pm said:
As for beaches in St. Petersburg, its not like Florida, think more like Anchorage, Alaska.
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on April 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.” She recommends that the best place to meet girls “spontaneously,” you should go to “Nevsky Prospect.” It is the walking street in St. Pete’s. She says in the evening you’ll see many beautiful Women there that you can talk to, chat up a conversation and maybe have a cup of coffee.
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William Cavers
on April 17, 2015 at 12:05 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
Maybe I got the wrong impression, but I always thought that a nightclub was place where you can dance with girls and have a fun time. Does this mean that the girls at clubs just want to dance and have a fun time there by themselves? I thought there were nice girls. This sounds like snobby girls that reject guys in American/ Western nightclubs!
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on April 17, 2015 at 8:40 am said:
They are right about Russia, it is like that but it’s not cheap. The good news is that all of Eastern Europe is basically a smorgasbord of super hot chicks and much of Eastern Europe is very cheap. Check out the Balkans for example. Look at the map at the bottom of this post:
All the brightly colored countries are part of the “hot chick zone”.
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on April 17, 2015 at 2:02 pm said:
This isn’t my blog and in no way do I have any say about anything here. Freedom of speech for sure. However, I am getting a bit dismayed here that some of the very recent contributors sound more like single guys in search of a “good time.” Personally, that’s why I am not here. I want to help guys who are in search of a wife, and perhaps are heading down the wrong paths, such as the ones I am starting to read about (bars, singledude sites). If it continues down this path, I’ll probably drop out. Like I said, Freedom of Speech and Choice, so I’ll be making my own free choice. I think I have already posted enough anyway.
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William Cavers
on April 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm said:
Alana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
Maybe I got the wrong impression, but I always thought that a nightclub was place where you can dance with girls and have a fun time. Does this mean that the girls at clubs just want to dance and have a fun time there by themselves? I thought they were nice girls. This sounds like snobby girls that reject guys in American/ Western nightclubs!
I do not know your age, but you seem like a nice guy.
You are right about guys jsut wanting to have a good time, but thing is me and friends are young guys and we want to meet girls and dance.
I mean read Alana’s commentAlana says, “There are nice girls at night clubs in Russia, but they aren’t there to meet Men. They are there to dance and have a fun time.”
If they are going to dance are just going to dance by themselves.
I just want to know if there is any place for guys to dance with girls.
I have guys I know that have gone Columbia and danced with the girls in clubs down.
I have no problem meeting girls on the street, or in library because I am college and love to read and I love to go for walk.
I am Christian so I could go to a church and meeting girls there.
The thing is do not tell you have never been to a disco or place where guys and girls danced. This stuff has been common since before World War II. Dancing has been around for generations.
I do not want to be a jerk, but do think dancing is wrong or sinful. If you do that that is your choice, but I think that is a little bit extreme.
Thanks and take care,
William Cavers
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on April 17, 2015 at 7:17 pm said:
Rodney, I appreciate your comment. Let me respond.
I only recently discovered the Single Dude Travel website. And while I don’t go for everything that they post, they have – in my opinion – some good travel advice and a view of life that is outside of the typical American:
Go to college, get job, marry feminist woman, have a few kids, she gets fat, you get no sex, she leaves you for the bass quitar player of some front band, you raise the kids alone,” routine.
I often read sites that I do and don’t agree with, I look at different info and I try to find the truth in there somewhere.
The reason that I linked to that site (and I’m sure that its the reason they linked to WWS) is that we have some overlap in readership. More on that in a minute.
Lets draw a parallel here for a minute:
I’m a big traveler. I enjoy the “do it yourself” backpack adventures and I also love a good 4 or 5 star tour (think Princess Cruises or an Ambercrombie and Fitch tour). On either ‘vacation’ you’re sure to find a different kind of traveler. In the former, you might find a more “dropped out of society” kind of person, maybe someone who is counter-culture, tree hugger, pot smoker, never owned a home and thinks of work as a means to an end rather than their