William Cavers on August 26, 2015 at 1:59 pm said:
Hi Scott, Seeker, etc.
Here is an article that I found on the website Henry Makow and I that all you guys might like:
by Henry Makow
Why I don't Hate Men
Friday, January 3, 2014 8:20% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
My brother once asked grandfather why he had fought for Stalin.
“Oh no” he replied. “We didn’t fight for Stalin. We fought for the women and children of Russia.”
Society is in the clutch of a satanic cult, the Illuminati, that seeks to erase gender
and portray heterosexuality as pathological.
A young Russian woman, who lives in Dublin and blogs at anti misandry.com
describes how she formed healthy and positive feelings toward men.
“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them” – Germaine Greer.
by Lanovar 22
Germaine Greer Vs My Russian Grandfather. – No Contest
One of my most vivid childhood memories is a near tragedy on a frozen lake …in my home town near the outskirts of Rostov on Don. …I was walking home from school with my grandfather …we could see skaters on the frozen lake a few hundred yards from the street. As we turned off the main street there was no sound except the crunching of our boots in the snow. A scream broke the silence and we instinctively looked towards the lake.
Two skaters, a mother and her daughter, had fallen through the ice. Grandfather began running towards the lake. It amazed me how fast he could move considering he had lost a foot in the war. I followed Grandfather as quickly as I could, but we were beaten to the lake shore by a group of young soldiers who were already crawling on their bellies across the ice, in single file towards the two women flailing around in the freezing water.
The soldiers were joined by some other men who had rushed out of one of the cafes. They brought some ladders to lay out on the ice to spread the weight of the rescuers. The women were pulled to safety and dragged bodily to the shore, passed from one man to the next until they were safely on the bank. The women, a mother and daughter were wrapped in blankets, fed hot soup and bundled into a truck to take them to hospital just in case.
The crowd dispersed. The soldiers and the other men drifted back into the cafes to resume their meals and a short while later, grandfather and I were sitting with my parents, toasting ourselves in front of the big stove. Grandfather began telling stories of the war; tales of stoic endurance, boundless determination and heroic deeds. He always admonished me to remember that the bounties of my comfortable childhood had been paid for by all those men who had never returned home. My brother had once asked him why he had fought for Stalin. “Oh no” my Grandfather replied. “We didn’t fight for Stalin. We fought for the women and children of Russia.”
Grandfather left early that night and trudged back through the town, braving one of the famous white storms, to reach the hospital where his wife, my grandmother, was recuperating from a painful operation on her eyes. He would sit and read to her through the night as she drifted in and out of sleep, until finally he would be driven from the clinic by a stern nurse telling him to go and get some rest.
I have seen many acts of incredible bravery on the news. Men who didn’t hesitate to drag people from the wreckage during the awful metro bombings in Moscow; men who stormed an aircraft in Perm when hijackers threatened to shoot hostages; men who threw themselves into the icy waters of the Volga to rescue people from a sinking ferry.
Whenever there is an earthquake, an avalanche, a tsunami or a hurricane, it is the men of any nation who will instinctively rush to help. It is the men who will put their own lives on the line if they have to, to save others. When the crisis is over, it is the men who will clear roads, repair bridges, restore power lines and begin to re-build. I often wonder if Germaine Greer has ever done anything even remotely as valuable as the men she has spent her life ridiculing.
But there are also the ordinary heroes. Billions of men who work hard and often do dangerous jobs in order to support women and children, and in order to keep women and children safe and housed and fed.
So Germaine Greer can spew her infantile paranoia as much as she likes. She can convince herself and other gullible women that the world doesn’t need these masculine qualities, but she is deluding herself. Our civilization was built by men. Our communities are maintained by men. We are kept safe by men. Wouldn’t it be nice if feminists could stop ridiculing them and maybe even express some gratitude from time to time?
Men are our fathers and grandfathers, our brothers and sons, our friends and colleagues. It is their masculine qualities that make them what they are. Men are the builders and inventors, the explorers and defenders, the pioneers and the discoverers. We need men, and if Germaine Greer and her fellow feminists don’t care about the damage they are doing to men, maybe they should think about what they are doing to women.
The “patriarchy” Greer rages against has always been designed first and foremost to keep women and children safe. But if men begin to show the same contempt for women as feminists show for men, then we women are going to be in a lot of trouble. In western nations now there is definitely a hardening of attitudes among men towards women in general. Decades of feminism has taught men that women have nothing but contempt for them. They are beginning to wake up. Feminists who say they want gender equality should be very very careful what they wish for.
So now I am grown up and I live in Ireland. But whenever I hear some half-witted feminist denigrating men in general, my first thought is always of that brave young man, who risked his life to save two strange women, long ago in the depths of a frozen Russian winter.
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on August 26, 2015 at 8:31 pm said:
Whether the story is true or not doesn’t diminish it’s message.
The facts brought up in the story are true as well especially the ending. If the war between the sexes in western society continues, then western society (and it’s culture) will die with a whimper and be replaced by another group from somewhere else that respects the patriarchy. It’s that simple.
Women need men.
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William Cavers on August 26, 2015 at 6:08 pm said:
1) Also you dated in South America/ Mexico? Is it to learn Spanish or Portuguese and are there any English speaking women in Latin America?
2) Would a girl you are in a relationship with cheat on you?
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on August 26, 2015 at 7:57 pm said:
Hey William!
That depends on what you really want!
If you are just generally interested in Latinas and you have no idea; it is better to learn Spanish. If you have a very strong preference for Brazilian women then you better learn Portuguese! There is nothing more funny than watching an American man that speaks some Spanish trying to speak to a Brazilian woman and get so frustrated because he never bothered to learn the language.
To your second question. It depends. If you go to a big city instead of a smaller city down there, it is more likely to happen but in general they blow American women out of the water. I would gamble on a girl from Rio de Janeiro, Medellin, or Buenos Aires any day of the week over a girl from Los Angeles, New York City, or Boston. Another note, in Latin America usually it is the women that are extremely worried about their lovers cheating on them (or leaving them) not the men.
Bryan on August 12, 2015 at 5:25 pm said:
Guys wake up… Skype is a wonderful thing. Big head, not the little one.
Elenasmodels – for the win.
Stop paying for this crap and find a real woman. Met my girl here and it is a wonderful thing. Just got off a 4 hour Skype with her and we are already getting ready for me to arrive for another visit in September.
Wake up guys and be smart.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:58 pm said:
Seriously, I can’t see why you would spend a few thousand for a tour (most if not all of which are bogus anyways) and wouldn’t get a membership. Sad thing is that most men, 19 out of 20 who “meet” a Woman in EE online still don’t go out to visit.
I guess its the same reason why 95% of all lotto winners are bankrupt after 5 years.
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on August 15, 2015 at 8:43 pm said:
Ha! ha!
“I guess its the same reason why 95% of all lotto winners are bankrupt after 5 years.”
I would permanently relocate to one of those (or rotate between) countries where the natives speak Spanish, Russian, or something similar…if that ever happened.
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Dale on August 12, 2015 at 5:52 pm said:
Another technique that I used and which also weeded out the bona-fide women who were flakes was to keep things low key and noncommittal for 5 or 6 months. Only a woman who is both bona-fide and has her act together will stay interested this long.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:51 am said:
On the other hand , women , who are seeking for a lifetime partner , to build a family , may be inclined to believe , that you don`t know , what you want.And , that maybe , you are a player.
That is , when you are only writing mails or letters , and nothing else.
Someone , who is going over to meet her , in these periods , may well take her mind off , of you.And , she may feel , that he is more direct , and knows , what he wants.
Just something , to think about.Especially , when you believe , that SHE is , THAT woman for you.
Don`t let another man , run off , with her !!!
Understand , when she says , that she wants a real man
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on August 15, 2015 at 8:47 pm said:
Dale and Paul,
Two great points to consider. I guess it’s a balance of each…but I could be wrong.
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on August 16, 2015 at 10:29 am said:
Fortuna Audaces Iuvat.
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on August 16, 2015 at 4:40 pm said:
I was talking , with my girl , on a date , about , how everything went , on my first trip.
That I made the decision , to come over , and to meet with , the other lady.
But , that didn`t work out.So , then I wanted , to meet her.
She said , it was good , that I came over.Otherwise , maybe , I would not have met her.So soon!
So , does Fortune really favours the brave ???
In my situation , it happened.Maybe in yours also ???
on August 16, 2015 at 6:15 pm said:
From past experiences…whether I fail or succeed… I tend to be rewarded for taking calculated risks…I’m an extrovert and come off as a jock from first appearances but many people mistake me for a bookish intellectual if they have never met me in person…a curse or blessing.., high IQ and athletic …plus common sense.
I noticed since I was 5 years old that telling it like it is (the truth) gets you in serious trouble…especially in America.
on August 26, 2015 at 9:45 pm said:
Interesting point in this article, from a site linked by William.
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“Russian women respect men who make it clear what they want. They love sincerity and commitment and loath aloofness and ambiguity. They hate dealing with someone who sends them mixed signals. In the West, you’re forced to hide your primal instincts and be indirect because showing interest first might make you appear desperate and needy; in Russia, not showing interest quickly enough makes you appear insecure and indecisive. If she detects that you’re playing games—and she knows perfectly well the difference between flirting games and games that showcase your ineptitude and insecurity—she’ll abruptly stop talking to you and move on to a more promising candidate. Life in Russia is too short for games.”
— —
I guess this implies a man should show strong intentions when dealing with a Russian or Eastern European woman he really wants.
Steve R on August 13, 2015 at 6:42 pm said:
One of the things I looked for in the full header is anything mentioning “The Bat”, which is a email tool used by those issuing mass quantities of emails.
Ignore the “bats”.
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on August 14, 2015 at 4:56 pm said:
I’d read something about that years ago – another good thing to look for, thanks.
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Paul on August 27, 2015 at 4:27 am said:
Seeker ,
It is correct.At least , in my personal experience , and in my point of vieuw.
As I stated , in one of my posts.Her 1st question may be :
# – why did you come to Ukraine ??? Your answer , to this question , will determine , if she should ask you , the second one.And , if it will be , to learn more , about your intentions.
For a Westerner , it may not seem so important.But for her (them) , it will decide , if she wants , to learn more about you.
Meaning , if she wants , to have another date with you.
Now , I don`t mean , just a date.I mean , to spend more time , with each other , and trying to know each other better.
If you moved up , to that level , you will still , have some challenges ahead.But , hey , I never said , that it would be easy.
Be prepared , to show , that you are a (real) man.That you didn`t came , just for some personal fun.
That it is your goal , to find a lifetime partner.And , she may be that person.Is she going to believe you , on your blue eyes ???
Some women may (although not right away), some may not (mean , it can take quite some time).
Don`t give up , believe in yourself , and watch the signals , that she may be giving you (or , when not , try to find out , the reason for that).
Maybe , you should adjust , some of your reactions.Maybe , you give them , the wrong , interpretations.
That said , it is obvious , that you have done your homework , too.Know , how to behave , how to treat them.Always be prepared , to pay the bill (yes , many men , tend to try , to negotiate about it).
Or have a discussion , over it.
This can make or brake , a good time , which you 2 , may have.
Don`t let her know , that you believe , the bill , is too expensive.When she really likes you , she will always ask , what she can order.
If not , think again , about asking her , for the next date.
This all , will prove , that you are confident , and you have a strong believe , in yourself.The women just love this.
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on August 27, 2015 at 7:19 am said:
Good assessment Paul. You’ve done your “on the ground” research very well.
I’d like to piggy back on your fine assessment.
Guys, I found that the good-night or good-bye kiss held many signals, as well.
On my first dates, it was quite comfortable and acceptable to kiss her on the cheek.
On the second date, another kiss cheek is good. However, by the 3rd, it’s time for a nice, short lip kiss. If the lady turns her face to her cheek on a 3rd or 4th date, she may not be into you.
I found by the 3rd date, if you were making a lip kiss and longer ones later, then she is really into you and you are definitely the candidate to be her man.
Don’t forget the flowers!!